Thursday 19 May 2011

Last blog with last months progress

This last blog update will contain everything from the last four weeks that should have been blogged on a weekly basis.  So in no particular order here is what I’ve  been tasked to do in the last month.

I had been charged to unwrap a whole load of assets and texture them as I go; once done upload them onto the online drop box that we have set up.

Some of the textures that were unwrapped and textured are: the floor texture, the end gate asset and texture, the bowl and texture, broken bottle unwrap, the cheese grater asset unwrap and many more.

Also all the assets were divided three ways between Sam, Adam and myself, we each loaded the textures onto the assets, took a screen shot of them and then added the file names of both the asset and the texture. The image is at the top and the relevant information underneath the image. 

During the final stages of project blend, I’d played through a hand full of the last builds from 20 all the way up to the latest one. Each time taking notes of the bugs and passing the paper to the others to try and reduce the bug count.

Lastly I proof read the final document and edited a few chapters with the amendments that myself and the other group member who proof read the document found.

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