Thursday, 17 March 2011


In today meeting the team showed off a full level five but there was a lot of place holders and untextured assets, so the next job is to start finishing off the interface and add textures.

Interface designs

We talked through the research I had gathered and started to make plans for which idea to implement for the health bar. We decided on making a gradient map with images of a full health bar and an empty one. As shown below in figures 1 to 3.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3


I was originally assigned three textures to draw and upload to the drop box but after I finished the first one, (Even though I told the rest of the team those were the ones I was doing) I found that the other two I was going to do were already done.
This has been happening for the last few weeks and it's also happening to other team members; tasks are being assigned and others are deciding to do them and no bother telling the person who was originally assigned them that they have been done.
Figure 4 - Knife and Bread Textures

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