Monday 6 December 2010

Interface Health-Bar Concepts

This week I have been tasked with gathering information on interfaces and drawing some concepts for  Project Blend.

So first I started with the research, I looked at loads of different health bars using different styles. Below are the ones I thought stood out the most for Project Blend.

1.1 - Battle Fantasia 

1.2 - Multiple iterations of Interface Designs for Bayonetta 

1.3 - Dragon Ball Z

1.4 - Eternal Sonata 

1.5 - Kingdom of Hearts

1.6 - Max Payne 

1.7 - Prototype

1.8 - Street Fighter IV

1.9 - The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker

From this research I started making concepts, I’ve not done many concepts in the terms that I have been vague but hopefully I’ve covered the breadth of the design ideas I wished to get across. All these ideas are hopefully useful and will aid in the quest for a good well implemented interface; through a big team discusion. Hopefully the team will either chose a design or bits from multiple designs and I will redraw it as a new concept will different colours and styles in time for our next meeting. 

2.1 - The first four Interface concepts 

2.2 Interface concepts 5 to 10 

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